Monday, July 31, 2017

Dad, let's play.

Daddies, do you know your children love you? Yes, they do. Children love their daddies. At least I know my daughters love to hear my voice and see me around the house playing with them as long as I can available for them. But, the pressure to earn a living and live up to our family's expectation of providing for them the best in life is taking a great toll out of our role as daddies. Most children don't enjoy their daddies because of the pressure to provide a safety nest for the family. But daddies, we need to know that aside the role of providing for the children basic needs such as accommodation, feeding, clothings, and education, the children also want unconditional love, quality time and total attention. Our children want to play. Especially physical play which they expect more from the daddies than from the mummies. Someone once said the best toy any child can have is a daddy that is readily available to get on the floor and be played with by the child. Imagine you and your 7 years old daughter and your 4 years old son getting on the floor in the living room rolling over each other in a pillow fight, wresting bout, playing hide and seek. Or you being their horse taking them round all the rooms on all your four. Dear fellow daddies, our children can forget so many things, but I bet you, they can never forget moments like these (I still have fresh in my memory such plays with my dad despite his tough nature). The more the children laugh, the closer they become with us. Joy and closeness are built through playtime. The children needs their daddies presence more than the latest Xbox or play station or Nintendo games. If you offer your children your attention and time, they will come closer to you and most of their pleas for this and that will give way to "Dad, let's play" Thank you.


Did you know daddies determine the child’s sex at conception? Therefore, we daddies have a huge responsibility and role to play in shaping our children’s sexual expression later on in life. The issue of sex MUST and SHOULD be discussed honestly, openly and early with our children. There are several children, whose father completely ignored this area of teaching, and today they are struggling because of it, we can’t afford to let our children learn about sex on their own. Discussing the issue of sex with the children may sound or appear awkward, but we’ve got to be open with both our sons and daughters in order to affirm them toward healthy sexuality. Now let’s be specific: 1. Be equipped with the relevant facts. This should include everything from the basic; what is and is not appropriate dressing; who should and should not touch them in certain ways; when, where and how. Talk about issues of rape, harassment, and abuse. Be factual and truthful. 2. Start the issue of sexuality early and do it often. Make your conversation age appropriate. Let the sex education start with your toddlers when teaching them parts of the body. Don’t delay till they get to the puberty stage as they are getting older, look for teachable moments and methods. 3. Set and always revisit your family standards about T.V, movies, phones and internet use. Discuss with your children why it is wise to choose carefully what they watch or listen to. 4. Though this might be tough, but let them know you’ve gone through your own struggles while growing up too. Nothing gives you more sense of confidence and respect as a dad than your willingness and openness to admit to your children that you did your struggle too. Nobody is perfect. If you’ve ever made a mistake, tell them and let them know what you’ve learnt because of it. 5. Reinforce the beauty and benefits of self-control in sexual matters. Tell them the benefits of waiting until marriage to be sexuality involved and also the pitfalls they’ll face if they don’t wait. Use illustartions that point out the consequences of lack of control.